Jenner of George Street

While reading the School of Biblical Evangelism, it mentioned an audio clip about a man on George Street. While, the details were apparently not entirely accurate, nevertheless, it is a great inspiration to hear that tracts do work, and it is something that even shy Christians like me can use to share the gospel.

Or if you prefer to read/watch this, please go to Frank Jenner – I Got Off At George Street – (commonly spelt Mr. Genor) – Just One Person – a true witnessing story told by David Smethurst

You may have watched the documentary Once Upon a Time in Cabramatta, in the documentary, Tony Hoang shared how he was in a crisis point when he called out to God to show him a sign if he is indeed real. And someone gave him a tract with the message, “If you are looking for a sign from God, he it is!” And through that he turned to God.

On Sunday, I heard a testimony by a pastor who said that he came to know God also through tracts. While returning to his car, he saw a little girl leaving a tract on the windscreen, and when he took the tract, he wanted to throw it away, but there so happens to be a police officer across the street, so he put it in his pocket. Some time later he stumbles across this tract which prompted him to find out more about God.

In fact, God also used tracts to lead my wife to know God. So, if you have thought that handing out tracts is a waste of time and effort, then you really ought to think again. Yes, many tracts may fall on the ground and not read, but there are countless testimonies that God has used tracts to bring them to salvation. Jenner has done so for many years without hearing what came of them, but his work has lead many to Christ all over the world.

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